We can help you create a catalog for your products, set up a shopping basket and paying methods and built up a spectacular online store. But that’s only the beginning; we need to attract new customers, convert visitors in actual buyers, and promote buyback and track where the income is coming from.
Characteristics of successful online businesses:
- They currently market those products and have experience. They either trade or have an online store
- The product they sell is hard to find or if it is a very common product, they have the best price in the market
- They are willing to invest in a project and understand that their online store is just another branch. You need to look after it, you need staff and you need to invest in a Digital Marketing strategy
We regularly see an online store operating in red numbers for the first 6 months, from 6 to 12 months they operate in black numbers, zero utility, and from the first year onwards, they start generating small profits. The good revenue only starts from the 18 - 24 months.